Well I am home today from work because Damian had a real bad asthma attack. We were on our way to school and he layed down in the back seat of the car and started crying because he couldn't breath So after 2 breathing treatments he seem to be breathing better. So I cleaned the house decorated for Christmas. Put the tree up. It is a vintage Aluminum tree with the color wheel. I put red balls on it. Reminds me of christmas with my grandparents. Here is my scketch for this week. All cardstock is from su. Chip board flower prayed with glitter mist from Ep. Seitment is from a book I got from Micheals. These sketches let me work on birthday cards for my family that have birthdays after Christmas. I got my nephews done this one and an anniversary card for my sister and her husband. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy Susan